Social Responsibility

Dream Big

Plan & Partner

Execute & Sustain!

The mission of DSA Pays It Forward is to empower South African women and children. We are committed to improving the lives of those suffering from poverty, malnutrition, and disease by implementing affordable, sustainable ideas.


DSA Pays It Forward started with the initial vision of empowering African women, whose plight was the societal role of leaving them completely uninvolved in supplying for themselves or their families.

Our solution was to develop a sustainable way to create the means to both feed and eventually develop economical security. We found community gardens were the most efficient way to introduce lasting change. Not only was it relatively easy to introduce, it could be maintained without large amounts of foreign aid continually steaming in.

Women began supplying food and feeding their neighbors and surrounding communities. Soon an abundance of fresh produce was available for purchase throughout our supported regions and began changing the economic climate to produce better living conditions.

DSA Pays It Forward soon after introduced plans to move into HIV/AIDS relief for babies as well as create much needed orphanages for children. If we were to help create sustainable food and economical resources, we found that the next logical step was providing shelter and education. Our passion and ambition to create real solutions soon generated over $100,000 in generously donated revenue. We are proud to say our goals became reality near the end of 2009.